We all have causes that are near and dear to our hearts. Causes that will inspire compassion, movement, action and a response. One of the causes for me is the crisis of homelessness. Many moons ago, I had posted a Facebook video on Iskwew Health about my concerns. Even though this topic was not directly related to health and wellness (such as pushups and squats which is what I mostly posted about back then!), I was inspired to encourage others to follow the call of their heart. When we show up in Creator's world as helpers, as a light, and to be part of the solution, we are lending our hearts, our medicine and our gifts which is not only good for community but good for our own wellness. I believe there is a natural inclination as human beings to want to be good relatives who can offer help when and where we can.
I knew there were strong women & spirit within the Iskwew Health community. I knew that when women gather together, it is a force that cannot be reckoned with. I knew mountains could be moved. There was potential to create a movement in which we could be a small part of the solution of homelessness in Edmonton. We all have a part to play.
After my vulnerable Facebook video, one woman/friend had reached out. So over tea & conversation, a vision was given legs: Healing Her Homefire. We had the community support, we had the women. The reality was we needed money! So began our fundraising endeavours!
Healing Her Homefire has evolved and changed from her original idea. What remains consistent is the community of women providing community care for our relatives who struggle with homelessness. We provide monthly lunches, care packages, clothing and warm blankets for the vulnerable community.
We also realize there is a gap in our system. We realize the need is great and some of us are only one paycheque away from becoming homeless. With the funds we raise, we have helped other women pay rent when they are on the brink of being evicted. We have helped also with bills and groceries. One woman struggling with homelessness who just out of the hospital only to recover in a tent on the streets, Healing Her Homefire responded to this need by paying for a room where she could recover in warmth and safety.
We do want we can to care for our community and we do what we can to raise money.
The last Galentine's Gala, $1000 of the money raised, went to Bissell's meal program! We also bought $500 worth of bus tickets!
The money goes back to the community & back to the people!
We look forward to our next fundraiser-the Galentine's Gala Feb 13!
This idea was birthed out of my love for beaded earrings and Galetine's/Valentine's Day!
I am better buyer than beader. (haha!) So I have a pretty great collection of beaded bling!
While I was organizing all this goodness, this fundraiser idea occurred to me! Everyone who buys a ticket to the gala would received a pair of beaded earrings!!! I had at least 20 pairs of fabulous earrings that could be appreciated by someone else ears! AND I was confident there were others who had earrings they no longer wear OR there were beaders (and not to brag, but I know the best of the best!!!) who would donate their creations to this cause!!!! WE collected so many beautiful pairs of earrings!
This year, the event will be held in the studio with so much goodness and celebration!! Of course, we will not miss the chance on bringing awareness to the crisis of homelessness.
Hope to see you there!