Happy Soulful Sunday and New Year!!
I love Sundays for inner reflection! AND to visualize what the new week will bring!
So this Sunday on the last day of 2023 is a perfect time to reflect!! (on a much wider scale!)
AND what first comes to mind: Hooray!!!! We made it through another year! I don't know about you, but this year was INTENSE!!
Starting grad school was such an important move in my life (movement is medicine!) but I did not count on the extra's that accompanied this educational journey. I was so committed to learning & accessing new skills and knowledge in order to be a stronger asset to community. There is no other way to express it lightly, other than it kicked my butt! It was like a million burpees (hah!)
If I am going to be an effective counsellor, I certainly need to address my own stuff. AND I thought I had! Healing is NOT linear. I repeat, healing is not linear. I'm like an onion with many layers that need to be peeled back! And just when I think one layer is exposed and I'm done, there's another one.
I also believe, how good Creator is to take me on this journey to address my inner self and my limiting beliefs, my relational patterns learned from my childhood trauma, and how profoundly I was impacted by trauma in every way-mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. How good Creator is to bring me around the mountains (and valleys) in my life so I can continue to heal. Sure, there was anger, frustration, stress, sorrow, grief, lamentation and resistance. But there was also hope, love, care and compassion. So I'm able to lift all my aiy hiys (thank you's) and hands to Creator.
I also learned how to celebrate all the small things along the way! And how incredibly important this is to do. Just as much as I had to give myself permission to cry and feel it all, I gave myself permission to celebrate all the wins, breakthroughs, assignment/paper completions and new opportunities with Iskwew Health! OH I celebrated A LOT!

Going back to school was not part of my 2023 vision board! These are some of my goals I created January 6, 2023. I was ready to accomplish them all. THEN grad school happened so fast and it took all my time. If I wasn't doing school work, I was working hard so I could pay for grad school. There was just no free time, in my mind. Goals have always been a guiding and motivating force for me. I realize not everyone works well with goal setting as it can be discouraging if goals are not being met! But for me, they call me into action and fuel my fire.
These goals had to be shelved and I was completely ok with it! I may revisit them or they just may sit on my shelf collecting dust. (hehe!)
I will continue to be a "goal digger"! (I, in fact have this saying framed in my home!) I realize my goals can be fluid and adjusted as needed. Self reflection is part of my practice, and every new moon I revisit my goals and intentions. Right now, my goals are tied up in my education and my business.
ONE of the biggest things I have learned or rather what has been confirmed that I have known to be true for many moons now is SELF CARE. I do have a strong self care practice. That, and along with Creator, is what I credit my successes and wins up to this point. However, I believe community connection, care and support is absolutely vital to one's health and wellbeing. If there was anything lacking this year was my people/my community. I have made efforts to change this in the past month and will continue to carry this into 2024!

I took some time to do this year in review reflection which I have down for many years now! I brought out my calendar and my journal to reflect on this year. Oh what a year it has been. Unexpected!! AND not part of my vision board. BUT I can say with all my heart, this was part of Creator's vision board for my life. I just needed to take the leap, commit and show up. There were moments I wanted to quit. I wanted to stop. I wanted to numb the pain. I wanted to walk away. I wanted my old life, my freedom, my extra earring and shopping money (haha!)...BUT I had to trust I was right on Creator's time!
As I reflect, I am filled with such gratitude. I throw glitter in the air for I made it through one hell of a year!
What goal are you most proud that you accomplished for 2023?