I often joke about how my knees are not able to keep up with fitness instructing anymore. Let's be real for a moment though, shall we!? These knees are not the same knees when I started Iskwew Health over 15 years ago. And I am no spring chicken over here (haha!). While there is truth to this, I gotta give credit where credit is due and these knees still show up for Monday Zumba classes and all my other fitness shenaningans. My body is resilient. How about we say that louder for my inner critic in the back, MY BODY IS RESILIENT.
Also, she is so strong, powerful and dammit, beautiful! And so is yours!
I have been slowly transitioning my offerings from physical health to mental health education and workshops as well as offering personal and professional development. My focus also in the last year and a half has been on my studies to be psychotherapist. ONE year left, guys!!!!
Every now and again, I will get a wave of inspiration to teach classes again! AND so here we are with The 9 days of FITMAS beginning December 1.
Register here!
I chose three classes for this: yoga, bootcamp and Pound Unplugged.
Yoga will be on Sundays. We celebrate Soulful Sundays around here! So our yoga classes on Sunday will inspire the mind, heart, body and spirit for the week ahead. And a little guided meditation and breathwork in this class are going to be like little love notes to the body!
Bootcamp is the class where it all began for me. So of course I had to put this class on the list! Bootcamp is a bit of everything: strength, cardio and power!
Lastly, Pound Unplugged! This class was designed to be short and sweet-30 minutes! Now don't let the timeframe fool you! I taught this class last month for the first time in a while and well, I was walking slowing the next day. This class brings the intensity but also the restoration, all in one class. I love it!

9 classes within 19 days!
Oh my!
I thought I would offer some tips to keep you motivated :
1) Find your why. What is your reason for signing up. You may have many but choose the one that compels you the most.
Write it down & read it daily.
May it guide you on those days you would rather befriend your couch! There is nothing wrong with couch time! If fact, it is one of my fave places (if I were to be honest!). But we feel good when we honour our commitments ! AND I have never regretted a workout! The many benefits of movement are too vast!
2) One of the reasons why I love group fitness classes is the community and comraderie! Now if you feel as though you will benefit with more accountability, sign up with a friend!
But know, you are part of community who is cheering you on!
Embrace the energy of community.
3) Every Sunday I will send you a guided reflection to guide you for the week ahead. I encourage you to take 5 minutes (or more!) to reflect. I am a big believer in writing out our intentions! I realize you may not be able to attend every class as it's a busy a season. But look at your schedule and see what is realistic for you to attend and put it in your calendar.
4) Believe in yourself. Believe in your body. Believe in the process.
When you have a moment of doubt and regret, reach out to someone ( or me!) You are never alone and don't have to struggle by yourself!
Asking for help is a beautiful thing!
We all need the extra push & motivation.
LET's do this fam!!!!
See you December 1!!!!!!