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Iskwew made the Alberta Native News!


Ok, ok, so this old news. 2024 news! But cool news, nonetheless, am I right!?? (I realize I might be a little bias here!) Here's the article:

"I see you, I hear you, I honour you" article
"I see you, I hear you, I honour you" article

I really love how Iskwew Health was captured in this beautiful article written by a fellow iskwew (woman). What I also love is this journalist's work. Indigenous brilliance in motion. She has captured many peoples stories with her thoughtfulness and creativity.

I love how this writer shows up in this world by honoring her gift of insight and written word for all of us to see!

Earlier today I was doing some research work on the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous women, girls & Two Spirit. This is heavy stuff. I cannot express this plainer than that. As an Indigenous woman myself, I cannot help but feel outrage and injustice whenever I think about it. Statistically, Indigenous women and girls in Canada experience more violent encounters at a higher rate than non Indigenous (Stats Canada). Discrimination, racism and colonization are at the helm of this issue. The damage it has done to our families and communities is heartbreaking.

In order for me to delve into the topic, I HAVE to remember the power, the strength, the gift and the medicine of our women. And so this led my heart to Laura Mushumanski's journalistic medicine today.

May we continue to fan the flame of each other.

And pour into each other's cup with love and kindness.

May we call on the spirit of lateral kindness.

AND choose sisterhood.

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