Happy New Year!!!
Spring is the beginning of the new year for me.
New beginnings, new growth, new vision...NEW NEW NEW!
BRING on the NEW, Creator!!!
I am even wearing my moonstone bracelet as type this!
Moonstone is notorious for new beginnings.
Back in January, when I was getting ready to teach a workshop on goal setting & motivation-I thought about what I personally wanted to manifest in my life in 2023.
Only two things came to my mind : a dog and a housekeeper.
Not really sounding overly ambitious, does it??
But the heart wants what the heart wants.
And for me, it was those two things.
I since then, tried a couple of housekeepers with no luck!
But I'm not giving up on my search!
AND I'm patiently waiting on a puppy to come! I have done the research, I know exactly what dog I want!! I have a connection & it is a just matter to time.
THAT was in the winter season. The season of rest and reflection. No wonder I felt satisfied in my life. I was pretty calm & peaceful with myself. I also had made the decision close the door on a couple things in my life. One of those things, that door should have been closed a year ago, but I was dragging my heels and my heart. It took me a while to close that door. I remember praying to be in that position and that place. It was a truly a prayer answered. But just as the seasons changing from every spring to summer to fall to winter, seasons changing in our lives is inevitable too. EVERYTHING has its season. And it my time to say "ekosi maka"-see you next time (as a visitor!)
NOW that spring is here, I am ready to step into the NEW.
I have a couple things cooking already on the back burner and I cannot wait to see how it all unfolds!
Creator before me.

I started this new year with teaching a brand new class-POUND Unplugged!
This class is so invigorating, so challenging and so empowering!
I haven't felt nervous in a LONG time before teaching a class.
Those nerves reminded me I am stepping out of my comfort zone, yet into my own power. It has been a long time since I've stepped out of my comfort zone & let me tell ya, I felt alive!
On a professional level, I knew I needed to offer something else, something new in the studio.
Pound Unplugged is totally up my alley. A bit of intensity (ok, that's an understatement!) and a bit of breath work and mindfulness ALL rolled into one class! I hope you can try a class with me!!!!
I heard somewhere in my journey, how you spend the new year is an indicator of how your year will go!!
Well, damnitt, I was networking, laughing, visiting, meeting new people, teaching a NEW class, stepping out of my comfort zone, overcoming limiting beliefs, sweating with friends...hell ya this is how I want my year to look like!!
Spring, we are abso-fn-lutely ready!!!!