OH yes, I am calling on the Beyonce vibes.
As I start this 12 week challenge, I need a new mantra, I need a new mindset.
The reason why I signed me up for my own Iskwew Health challenge is because I have a goal here.
32 pounds.
I have been struggling for years with lack of sleep. So I have been tired, depressed and uninspired. It is hard to feel inspired when you have NO energy, you are chronically tired & just living on fumes.
I had a glimmer of hope earlier this spring when a new dentist asked after he exam my teeth & mouth, asked me if I wake up feeling refreshed! My response was "what is that??"
So he suggested I take a test for sleep apnea as all signs were there! And so began my journey. It was a long process but sure enough I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.
With consulting my dentist and my doctor, it was decided I would try to make some lifestyle changes first as weight loss would help me.
I agreed this would be the best path to go for myself especially as a wellness advocate-I believe in the power of a healthy lifestyle and habits. Here's a little of my truth. I did ask for sleep medication from my doctor as I was that desperate. Thankfully, she said try to make some lifestyle changes first before we talk about medication.
AND I know in I needed to make some changes here.
NOT huge changes, as overeating is the real issue. Well, wait a darn minute, in reflection, a lot of my eating has been to "gain" energy AS I am so tired. Granted, not the best food choices. AND I also have been pressing into healing, therapy and working through some childhood trauma. And find comfort in food.
There are many factors at play here.
If I am going to succeed in this challenge, I need start with honesty.
Let me tell, I got a good dose of honesty from the scale last week!
I typically don't use the scale as I can be obsessive about it. And I just didn't want to revert to that old pattern.
So the number was a bit shocking but it didn't make me feel bad either. It was just a honest moment of where I am.
My doctor asked me what was the weight where I felt good, where I felt healthy.
NOT when I was the smallest/skinniest. Not when I felt the in the best shape of my life. But what is the number on the scale when I felt good. So that is where I got my number! I have 32 pounds to lose! 32 pounds! Well, no wonder why I am struggling physically. No wonder why my sleep is suffering. I have worked at self acceptance in the last couple of years. So even with weight gain, for most part liked/loved who I am! Sure, I had bad body image days but I had good practices to work through those moments.
Here we are.
I took a week to really think & reflect on this challenge before I started.
I really believe it is important to mentally prepare, to envision, to think about, to pray & to make a plan.
12 week challenges are nothing new to me! In fact, challenges were part of Iskwew Health offerings! AND I tend to thrive. I am relying on what has worked for me in the past.
We know my ultimate goal for this challenge:
By December 10, I will have lost 32 (I actually will give myself grace of 4 pounds!)
In order to achieve the big goal, I have other goals to help.
1) Every Tuesday will be 5km run. I created a running schedule and will modify as needed!
By the end of this challenge, 5km run in 32 minutes.
9 minute mile.
2) Soulful Sundays: blog my journey for a sense of accountability. Meal prep. Go over my schedule for the week -work, fitness, meals, self care. I really function best when I have a routine! AND do one activity for my soul this day.
3) SLEEP. Be intentional about my nighttime routine. No social media after 930pm. Clutter free room as my clothes tend to create chaos !! And how can one rest in chaos!?? haha!
4) GET up earlier. I do thrive when I get up early in the mornings. It has been so hard to get up early especially with my sleep struggles. I am going to give myself grace at the beginning. By week 4, I would like to have started my morning workout routine again.
For now my morning routine: drink 32 oz before I leave my house. meditation & prayer. breakfast. some sort of movement : ie walk
5) MORE protein. I will eat three meals with snacks! Protein : 150 grams (GULP!!!) daily.
6) Weigh in Thursdays. Accountability is important. Meeting the number on the scale every week will help me to stay the course.
That's it!! That's t
he magic of this challenge.
Sleep, routine, exercise, meal prep & accountability. AND prayer. A whole lotta prayer. I know Creator has given me the capacity to do what I need to do. But dang, 32 pounds is not going to be easy!