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The Medicine You Are


I remember the moment clearly when I realized AND vocalized this: I am tired of not having any self esteem.

I felt at rock bottom.

I felt low.

I felt unworthy.

I felt like something needed to change.

So I stepped out in faith to the unknown.

I signed up for a 12 week healing/therapy group.

My desire to change my mind about myself was greater than wanting to give up. THANK Creator! Otherwise, I would have given up on myself years ago.

This group was absolutely a stepping stone to the next and the next and the next!!

I then pursued therapy & more healing groups. I also was connected to my other self care practices such as working out, running, writing music, church & my dog (AWEEE long live Roxy!).

At this time in my life, I was not really connected to ceremony. I stepped out in faith (again!) to attend my first sweat lodge ceremony, I absolutely KNEW this was what I needed in my life.

The words the Elder spoke after I crawled on the earth & into the lodge -Welcome Home.

This was a spiritual awakening. MY spiritual awakening.

I had this new connection to Creator, to ceremony, to motherearth and to myself.

I am still on this healing journey but I can say today with all of my heart "I love myself".

Half of my life, I wished I could have been born someone else.

I cursed my brown skin & distinct Cree features.

There was a time I couldn't even look in the mirror because I was so ashamed of myself.

So it has been a long journey to get here.

My spirit name is Hummingbird Dancer.

I believe if anything, I am just a messenger.

I have been so blessed to have had many amazing teachers, mentors, matriarchs, ceremonies, experiences, therapy sessions & intensive healing retreats.

I created The Medicine You Are Workshop to guide others to their own love, acceptance, healing, nurturing & medicine.

It is stepping stone to bring you closer to you!

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